Galleries and Gallery Hire

We have four galleries; the largest being the Hope Gallery with a minimum hire of two weeks. Three smaller galleries (approx 12-15 sq metres in size each) are available. In the long corridor is the Shona McFarlane Gallery which houses our Permanent Collection. Gallery spaces are available for hire either individually, or in combination. In addition there is a Sales Gallery, kitchen/classroom, plus our offices and storerooms.

Exhibition hire is on a full week by week (seven days, Monday to Sunday) basis and includes set-up and take-down time. It is recommended to plan at least a two-week exhibition to maximise your audience and have effective publicity. The gallery is a very popular venue so it is wise to plan ahead to avoid disappointment.

The unique ambience of our tall, airy rooms filled with art and situated in the historic and most appealing building adds something special to any artistic event.