Technology in art
A visual and slightly intellectual presentation 'ahem', by Doug Hart on the application of technology in art from the Stone Age to the present day. Please note that summer hours are now from 7.30. Great to see you all there for a whiz through time.
Members Evenings
Discussions, demonstrations and information. Doug Hart's illustrated talk on 'Technology in Art'. A look at the way technology has influenced art from the Stone age to Modern Times. It will be good to see you there for a blitz through time.
Members Evening
Brian Miller will give a presentation on his newly published book - 'Capturing Light - Roy Miller New Zealand Stained Glass Artist'. This book covers the work of Roy Miller who produced over 300 church windows in NZ and the lives of the designers who worked for Roy. It also covers the glass artists who […]
Wayne Patrick Exhibition
Witness the superb art of Wayne Patrick.
Receiving days for Affordable Art
Bring along your paintings from Monday 5th December for our great exhibition.
Affordable Art Exhibition
Otago Art Society Dunedin Railway Station, 22 Anzac Avenue, Dunedin, New ZealandJoin us for our 2016 Affordable Art Exhibition in Dunedin. All works $1000 and under. Open to the public and free of charge. Receiving day from Monday 5th.